Submitting to the Committee on Instruction (COI) Using Smartsheet | Scribe

    Submitting to the Committee on Instruction (COI) Using Smartsheet

    • 26 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • SmartsheetSmartsheet
    information ordinal icon
    To submit to the Committee on Instruction (COI), you will need the following: - [Committee on Instruction (COI) Submission Form]( - [Syllabus Submission Templates & Resources]( For more information about the COI, visit our [website]( or email us with questions at [email protected].
    Open the [Committee on Instruction (COI) Submission Form](
    Begin filling out the form by opening the *"Program"* field dropdown list.
    Select the relevant program from the list.
    Next, open the *"Review Type"* dropdown.
    Select the appropriate Review Type. See Step 6 for "COI Informational Item" instructions. Steps 7 through 15 will be the same for the following Review Types: - Redevelop Course - Course Name Change - Change # of Credits If submitting a"Program Change" or "Policy Review," skip to Step 15.
    **\[COI Informational Item Submission Only\]** - Select "COI Informational Item (Course Name Change, Description Change, Elective to Core/Core to Elective)" from the "*Review Type"* dropdown. - Type the Course ID and Course Title, and select the Expected Launch Term from the dropdown list. - Enter the COI Information Item Rationale into the text box. - Type the Academic Program Liaison's name and email address. - Include any additional comments for the COI. - If you are *not* the Academic Program COI Liaison and would like a copy of your responses for your records, click the "Send me a copy of my responses" checkbox and type your email address. - Review your responses and click submit.
    **\[COI Informational Item Submission Only\]**

- Select "COI Informational Item (Course Name Change, Description Change, Elective to Core/Core to Elective)" from the "*Review Type"* dropdown.
- Type the Course ID and Course Title, and select the Expected Launch Term from the dropdown list.
- Enter the COI Information Item Rationale into the text box.
- Type the Academic Program Liaison's name and email address.
- Include any additional comments for the COI. 
- If you are *not* the Academic Program COI Liaison and would like a copy of your responses for your records, click the "Send me a copy of my responses" checkbox and type your email address.
- Review your responses and click submit.
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    If submitting a *Program Change* or a *Policy Review*, skip to **Step 15.**
    Click the *"Course ID"* field and type the Course Number. If the course does not yet have a number, write "NEW."
    Click the *"Course Title"* field. Type the Course Title.
    Open the *"Expected Launch Term"* dropdown list. Select the term that the course is expected to launch.
    Open the *"Submission Type"* dropdown.
    Select the correct Submission Type from the list. **This job aid example will follow a First COI Review submission.** Note: Selecting "Second COI Review," "Third COI Review," or "Syllabus of Record Submission" will automatically open an additional field titled *"Resubmission Review Notes."* See Step 12 for further instructions.
    **\[Second COI Review, Third COI Review, and Syllabus of Record Only\]:** Summarize the feedback provided by the COI and indicate how it was addressed in this revision using the *"Resubmission Review Notes"* field.
    Open the *"Course Type"* dropdown and indicate whether the course is a core course, elective, or selective.
    Open the *"Modality"* dropdown and indicate the course modalities. Note: This field is multi-select. Please indicate *all* applicable modalities.
    Open the *"Are you working with an Instructional Designer"* dropdown and select the applicable answer.
    Click the *"Faculty Developer"* field and type the faculty developer's **full name**.
    Click on the *"Faculty Developer Contact"* field and type in the faculty developer's **email address**. Press enter.
    Click the *"Academic Program COI Liaison"* field. Type the **full name** of the Program Liaison. Note: The person responsible for submitting this form is often the academic program COI liaison, but that is not always the case. If submitting the form as the COI Liaison, please enter your name.